Spiritual Journeys
(Second Edition)

Spiritual Journeys is a personal program that teaches you how to rapidly accelerate the development of your inner spiritual awareness and abilities, and then to begin exploring this "Spiritual Area" in your higher consciousness for greater spiritual awareness.  The program is self-paced, allowing you to learn new abilities whenever you wish.  Each session topic described below is taught in an individual one-on-one session format, rather than in a group format.

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Typically, several Journeys (individual sessions) are involved in this program.  Each Journey is deliberately structured to provide a rapid and significant increase in your spiritual knowledge and abilities, allowing you to completely assimilate and integrate the information and abilities provided in each Journey before proceeding to the next Journey.  Spiritual Journeys is an original program developed by Howard Batie, and is synthesized from his extensive experiential training and certification in several metaphysical techniques and practices, including Age Regression, Past Life Regression, Spiritual Regression, Inner Light Consciousness Meditation, Soul Retrieval, and additional esoteric and metaphysical information taught at Delphi University in McKaysville, GA.

Journeys 1-3 ("Spiritual Development") provide the foundation abilities for this exciting program -- these are the "Launching Pad" for the more advanced Journeys later on.  Here you can learn how to consciously meet and exchange information with your Higher Self and with your own Spirit Guide or Guides; become consciously aware of your own spiritual existence, form and name in the higher dimensions; become consciously aware of your Guide's form and name; and enter into two-way dialogs and discussions with your Higher Self and with your Guide for the purpose of obtaining information and answers to questions that will further help and accelerate your own spiritual development.  At the conclusion of each self-hypnosis session you will also be able to consciously remember each experience and the information it brings so that you can integrate these new insights into your daily life.

Journeys 4-6 ("Spiritual Healing") teach additional skills for bringing advanced metaphysical and spiritual healing information and abilities to yourself and others.  In Journey 4 you will learn how to remove and transform any negative energies that may remain within your entire energetic being on the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual levels using the Violet Flame of St. Germain.  Journey 5, The Temple of Healing, is a more advanced form of remote healing that teaches you how to step into your Mastery as a Spiritual Healer and deliver the higher-dimensional healing energies (Scalar Energy, Reiki, etc.) to your client yourself instead of turning it all over to the Angels; however, they will provide assistance as required under your direction.  Journey 6, healing with your Personal Pyramid of Power, teaches you how to bring healing energies togroups of individuals and even to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity through the application of your innate Co-Creative abilities in harmony with Creator's will and wisdom.  This Journey teaches you how to strengthen your own Co-Creative power of manifestation to bring balance and harmony to all who have moved beyond the limitations and separation of Power Over Others, and have chosen to ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness and be in joyful Service To Others.

Journeys 7-10 ("Spiritual Growth") allow you to re-experience the significant portions of your own personal Akashic Record to provide a "Big Picture" view of your entire history as a spiritual soul essence.  In Journey 7, you will first re-experience a pleasant lifetime from perhaps hundreds or thousands of years ago, and learn what gender, race, occupation, social status, etc. you had in that past life.  In Journey 8 you will re-experience what you were aware of as you approached Earth's atmosphere the very first time, and how different it felt to be in a physical body, where you first incarnated on Earth, why you chose to come to Earth, and many more interesting details of this first physical existence long ago.  Journey 9 investigates your earliest memories at the instant you were aware that you were a unique individual soul essence "separate from" Creator.  (Some call this the Garden of Eden experience.)  What did you feel?  What characteristics and abilities did you have?  What did you decide to do?  Where did you explore in the spiritual realms?  All these sensations and experiences are recorded in your energy field and are now available for you to consciously recall.  And in Journey 10, you will be able to recall the very first impressions of your consciousness before you became individuated as a unique soul essence.  While still within the energies of Creator, your awareness and Creator’s awareness were the same, intimately connected to all life in Creation.  What did you feel?  What were you aware of?  Were you aware of others like you?  Your own personal Akashic Record contains all this information and more, and your conscious recollection of it is simply and fundamentally transformative.

Journeys 11+ ("Spiritual Exploration") provide your clients with a wide variety of spiritual experiences under your guidance as the Hypnotherapist.  You will be communicating directly with your client's Higher Self and Spirit Guide as you guide them to investigate any of the experiences and events in Creation that are all recorded in the Akashic Record.  All that is required is permission from your client's Guide that it is appropriate to read the information that you are seeking, regardless of the topic.  The Akashic Record is now open for all to see and read if they are ready to do so.

(Journeys 1-3 must be taken in that order first.) 

Journey 1:  Learn Self-Hypnosis - If you've never been hypnotized before, here you will learn what hypnosis is, what it isn't, how it works, and its strengths and its limitations; you'll familiarize yourself with the overall program objectives, and have all your questions answered.  You'll also be introduced gradually and safely into a light state of hypnosis so you can become comfortable with the way it feels to be hypnotized, yet fully aware of your surroundings.  Gradually, and when you're ready to become even more relaxed, you'll be guided into even deeper states of hypnotic relaxation.  There, you'll be taught how to place yourself into this deep state of hypnotic relaxation all by yourself, and how to completely emerge yourself from this state of hypnosis without assistance.  This is the starting place for all your Spiritual Journeys, so it's important that you learn how to quickly and easily place yourself in this state and emerge yourself from deep self-hypnosis when you're through.  The deep feeling of relaxation you'll experience here is also a good way to "recharge your batteries" whenever you need -- you can easily take 30 seconds, five minutes, or whatever period you feel you need to rejuvenate and energize yourself easily and quickly.  Also, if you have trouble relaxing at night, you'll be taught how to easily and very effectively relax both your body and your mind, drift peacefully asleep, and then awaken in the morning fully refreshed after a good night's sleep.  This deep state of self-hypnosis is also a great place from which to begin your daily meditations, and you can reach the deeply meditative state within seconds using self-hypnosis.  Your one-on-one session with your Practitioner includes a free "Self-Hypnosis Deepening CD" that you'll practice with once a day for at least a week to powerfully reinforce the suggestions and instructions that allow you to achieve a very, very deep and peaceful state of self-hypnotic relaxation all by yourself.  

Journey 2:  Accessing the Spiritual Realms - During this Journey, you'll learn how to expand and raise your inner sense of awareness up into the levels of your own Higher Consciousness, and how to return safely to awareness of your physical self.  You'll be taught how to let your physical body and your conscious mind become safely protected in deep relaxation, and then allow that other part of mind, your higher awareness and consciousness, to separate and rise freely into your Special Area in the higher dimensions.  There you'll feel and experience all the unconditional love, light, happiness and joy in this "heaven" where only positive feelings and beings are allowed.  You'll also be taught how to return safely and easily from these higher realms to the physical planes so you can reintegrate the information received by your higher awareness into your physical existence and conscious mind, and then emerge yourself safely from self-hypnosis when you're ready to return to full conscious awareness.   A free "Accessing the Spiritual Realms Practice CD" is also included, and you'll use it once a day for at least a week to powerfully reinforce the suggestions and instructions that allow you to easily and quickly move into an extremely high state of spiritual awareness, your "Spiritual Area".  

Journey 3:  Meeting Your Higher Self and Spirit Guide - Once you learn how to easily and quickly access this higher part of your mind, the next step is to begin exploring your Spiritual Area.  You'll begin by learning how to locate and use your wonderful Spiritual Mirror that clearly shows you your true reflection and appearance here in these higher spiritual dimensions, and also how to learn what your own spiritual vibration or "name" is here in the higher dimensions.  You will also be shown how to call on your own Guide, learn his or her name, their appearance here in the spiritual world, and learn how to receive valuable information from them that will aid your own spiritual growth.  You'll be able to ask your Guide any question you like, and if it is appropriate for you to know the answers at that time, you will immediately be given the information.  You'll also be able to consciously remember all the information you receive from your Guide, and you'll also be taught how to return to your Special Area in the higher dimensions all by yourself and call on your Guide anytime you want.

Journey 4:
  The Hall Of Transformation - Learn how to locate your Hall of Transformation in the higher dimensions and call on the energies of the Violet FLame of St. Germain.  You'll learn how to release and transmute any negative energies that may remain within you into the purest gold that has ever existed, and to offer the gold to the Supreme Architect of this "Temple Not Made WSith Hands."  You will be provided with an audio CD or digital file that can be used daily, or as often as you wish, to bring the transformative energies of the Violet Flame to yourself and to others.


Journey 5:  The Temple Of Healing - This is an opportunity for practitioners of all energy healing modalities to step into your Mastery as a Spiritual Healer.  In the Temple Of Healing, you will learn how to establish a two-way dialogue with Archangel Raphael and the Healing Angels, and with their assistance, you will release all negative energies from your clients' energy field, including embedded negative energy forms, negative devices, monitors and implants, as well as harmful or llimiting thought forms and belief patterns.  Then you will direct the Angels to retrieve all energies that your client may have lost throughout all the eons of their existence, and to re-integrate them into your client's energy field.  This is the point at which any external healing energies that you are capable of bringing will be most effective, since the healing energies will not be distorted by negative energetic blocks in their aura.  Lastly, you will bring highest dimensional healing energies to your remote client and authoritatively issue the Healing Decree in the Name of the One Infinite Cretor.

Journey 6:  Your Personal Pyramid Of Power - Within your fifth-dimensional Spiritual Area is a "place" where your Personal Pyramid Of Power exists.  Within it, you can enliist the assisance of Creator's limitless power and energy and enhance your own ability to manifest whatever it is you wish to create, not only in the physical world, but also in the higher dimensions as well.  You can bring healing energies to yourself, to others, and to groups of people; you can heal contentious arguments and conflicts with another person or with a group group of persons; you can focus your energies to solidify your hope, visions and aspirations; and you can even bring clarity and healing energies to the Collective Consciousness of Humanity to help release global conflicts at all levels, and to restore Earth's lands, oceans and atmosphere so we can all enjoy their original pristine beauty.  This Journey provides experiential practice in developing your client's personal ability to manifest happiness, joy, compassion and love in their everyday life as they continue to expand their abilities and ascend in consciousness.

(Journeys 7-10 must be taken in that order.)

Journey 7:  Past Earth Lifetime
- In this Journey, you'll learn how to 'read' your own Akashic Record, where every lifetime you've experienced, every act or deed you've done, every thought in your mind and every word spoken throughout all your lifetimes, are all permanently engraved onto the skein of time and your soul's memory.  This Journey into a Past Lifetime is not for therapeutic purposes, so your Higher Self will automatically guide you to a very pleasant lifetime, and you'll be able to recall all the images, sensations and actions involved in that previous existence.

Journey 8:  First Earth Lifetime - As you came to Earth the first time, how did it feel as you descended through Earth’s atmosphere into the density of a physical world?  Where on Earth was that first time you experienced having a physical body here on Earth?  What kind of a body did you have?  How did you live?  What did you eat?  What culture were you a part of?  What tools or implements did you use?  What did you learn in that lifetime that would be of benefit?  All these intriguing details and more are available for you to know.

Journey 9:  First Soul Memories - When you first became aware that you existed as a unique individual soul essence, what were you aware of?  What are your very first thoughts as an independent consciousness?  How does it feel to be unique and separate from Creator?  What are your characteristics and abilities?  Do you know why you were created and what are you supposed to do?  Who told you?  What do you decide to do?  Were do you decide to go?  What will you learn there?    All these soul experiences that YOU had are now available for you to explore and consciously remember.  There you were at the beginning of your experiences in this Universe – did you explore other worlds besides Earth?  Many people have recalled incarnating into very different body forms to understand life on different worlds from very different perspectives – did you?

Journey 10:  Memories of Oneness - Your Guide will take you to the very beginning of your recorded experiences, where your consciousness is a part of Creator’s consciousness, and you are a part of the whole of consciousness everywhere, aware of your feelings of unity and connection with all life in all of Creation.  Here, there is KNOWING and BEING on a level of existence beyond what we can experience on Earth.  There is unity of consciousness and purpose, and all is in perfect balance and harmony.  Yet there is also a great desire to grow and expand, and through that expansion, to learn more of what you are.  And you may have witnessed the creation of universes that are designed as playgrounds in which we can learn and grow, and then bring all that experience back to Creator, allowing even Creator to grow and expand as well. 

(Journey 11 can be followed by additional Journeys to explore any topic.  Several suggested topics are listed below.)
Journey 11:  The Akashic Records
- Learn how to receive accurate and useful information on any subject or topic whatever.  The information available here in your Library includes all knowledge from the foundations of the universe and before that is not contained in your personal Akashic Record.  All this wisdom and knowledge is available to you here through the interconnection of all minds and the spiritual connection of all minds to Creator -- the Silver Cord that securely tethers each individual to Creator.  We have been promised, "Ask and ye shall receive."  But the Good Book didn't include the 'fine print' - you will receive the information you are seeking IF you are ready to receive and understand the information requested, IF that information will assist you in your spiritual growth, AND IF receiving the information will not bring harm to yourself or to any other living being.  However, along with knowledge comes responsibility - you must also be ready to accept the responsibility of using that knowledge for your own spiritual growth, and for the spiritual growth of others as appropriate.  You're not going to be given next week's Lottery numbers! 

Journey 12:  The Angelic Kingdom - Learn the functions, abilities and responsibilities of the various members of the Angelic Kingdom, including Angels, Archangels, and the Elohim.  Learn more about the spiritual beings who help create and guide universes, galaxies, worlds, and individual souls.  Also, the Angelic Kingdom is overjoyed that we are now beginning to consciously interact with them, and to understand them and their functions much better.

Journey 13:  The Plant and Mineral Kingdoms - The plant and mineral Kingdoms (plants, trees, flowers, earth, minerals, crystals, etc.) can also be investigated to learn more about what their capabilities and functions are in support of each other, in support of Gaia, the consciousness of Mother Earth, and in support of us humans as well.  The more we learn about these Kingdoms, the better stewards we will be for healthy and mutually supportive interactions with these realms, and with related realms such as the Elemental Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom.

Journey 14:  The Elemental Kingdom - The Elemental Kingdom includes the Earth Element beings such as the gnomes, fairies and elves, the Sprites of the Air Element, the Salamanders of the Fire Element, and the Undines of the water element.  Their actions for supporting the life processes on the Earth and in the atmosphere, and also their interactions with Gaia, the higher consciousness of Mother Earth, and  with the Plant, Mineral and Animal Kingdoms are all fascinating learning adventures.

Journey 15:  The Ascension of Gaia - As we continue to work together in cooperation instead of competition, our collective and individual consciousness undergoes an ascension.  This Spiritual Journey looks at the history of mankind on Earth, humanity’s growth, development and evolution as we continue to raise our consciousness into higher and higher levels.  This Journey also looks at how we’re doing in that process, and what we can do better to ensure that we as a race and as a civilization continue to grow and learn together.

Journey 16:  The Golden Age - Spiritual Journey 16 looks at the road ahead.  Various cultures have predicted a Golden Age of working harmoniously together, and this Journey looks into what is now recorded in the Akashic Record as highly probable and even very likely outcomes and advances in the way we live, our use of energy sources, new governmental and political institutions that really work, global monetary policies, technological advances, increasing health and wellness instead of just treating negative symptoms, and a host of social and civil changes that must and are coming about now and in the near future.  Of course, the farther out we look, the fuzzier the picture becomes because what the future holds depends on what we choose to do now.  Nevertheless, it’s a fascinating and ever-growing, ever-changing landscape for us to shape.

If you are a Certified Hypnotist (CH) or Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt), you can easily become a Spiritual Journeys Practitioner.  Because you will begin by teaching each of your clients a very effective Self-Hypnosis Technique, you need to be certified as a CH or CHt to teach self-hypnosis to others; therefore, the complete "Spiritual Journeys For Hypnotherapists" program is available only to Certified Hypnotherapists or Certified Hypnotists.  The entire Spiritual Journeys Program materials and information, including detailed scripts for coaching your clients through each of the 16 suggested Journeys, can be requested by an email to howard@howardbatie.com.  A copy of your Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist Certification MUST accompany your request for program materials.  For properly certified hypnosis practitioners, there is no charge or fee, and you will breceive an email link to download ALL required program materials from a private Dropbox account.  This method of distributing the Spiritual Journeys For Hypnotherapists program materials does not depend on local postal services and has proven to be both speedy and secure for users in any country with a relieable internet connection.  All recorded audio, as well as all scripts and files, are in American English. 

This Page last updated May 15, 2020